Install on Microsoft Azure

Follow these instructions to install on Microsoft Azure instances.

Installation instructions

These instructions assume that you have a Microsoft Azure VM running on Debian 8 "Jessie". If you do not, see "Provision an Azure VM" below.

1. Download the latest version of Unomaly.

2. Log into the Azure virtual machine and run the following command to install prerequisite files.

sudo apt install locales

3. Use wget to get the installation file.


4. Run the following command to start the Unomaly installation process:

 sudo sh unomaly-<version>.run

The installer will reboot the virtual machine after performing a kernel upgrade. The installation continues in the background, if you want to track the progress you may use the Serial Console in the Azure Portal or the Unomaly console.

5. Use a supported browser to navigate to the Unomaly web interface at the Public IP address and follow the configuration wizard to set up the instance.

Configure network settings

Under network settings, configure the HTTPS and SSH inbound ports so that you can access the instance. The following table lists other network settings you may need to configure for Unomaly to be able to communicate with your IT environment.

Type Protocol/Port
Syslog TCP/514, UDP/5514

Provision an Azure VM

1. Log in to the Microsoft Azure Portal and navigate to the dashboard.

2. On the top of the sidebar, click "Create New Resources" to open the Azure marketplace.

3. Search for 'Debian 8' and select Debian 8 "Jessie".

4. Select the deployment model. Unless you have a reason to change it, the default should is fine.

5. Click "Create" to start the instance creation wizard.

In the instance creation page, you may customize your virtual machine to suit the size of the environment and the amount of events per second you will process.

Configure email notification

We recommend that you configure the Unomaly instance to send email notifications when there are issues with the deployment or for alerts on monitored systems. If you skipped this part of the configuration wizard, you can go to Settings > Email in the Unomaly interface to configure SMTP and email settings. See "Configure email settings".