Submit a support request
Unomaly Support operates during standard business hours in Stockholm, Sweden: Monday-Friday, 08:00 to 18:00. Requests are handled as soon as possible. You can track the progress of the issues you report in the Unomaly Support Portal.
To register a support request as a premium customer:
- Send an email directly to [email protected] or use the Unomaly Support Portal.
- Enable instance analytics
- Generate a diagnostic tech dump
Enable instance analytics
Enabling instance analytics will make your Unomaly instance report metrics. This will enable our support to help you faster in case of problems, lessening the need for back and forth emails. Enabling metrics provides us information about the inner workings of Unomaly and the features you use. We never send any log events and personally identifiable data is anonymized before sending. Of course any data sent is encrypted.
Enabling metrics is simple:
- Go to Settings -> General
- Enable “Send instance analytics to Unomaly”
- Enable “Send user interaction data to Unomaly”
Generate a diagnostic tech dump
When you register a support request, you may need to include a techdump to help us troubleshoot your issue. A tech dump consists of the various system logs and state that Unomaly Support uses to understand what the instance was doing. You can generate the tech dump from the web interface or the console menu.
From the web interface
To generate the tech dump from the web interface:
Go to Settings > Debug.
Click “Generate”.
After the tech dump is generated, it will be automatically uploaded. If your instance is unable to access the internet, you can instead download the file and attach it in your email to Unomaly Support.
From the console menu
To generate the tech dump from the console menu:
Connect to the instance with SSH, go the shell and run the following command:
sudo techgrabber
The tech dump will be automatically uploaded if the instance has internet access. Otherwise, download and attach the tech dump in your email to Unomaly Support.
Community Slack channel
Have questions about how others are using Unomaly to analyze and investigate their logs? Join us on our Community Slack channel.